Milne Library News

Friday, April 27, 2007

What type of library space do you like to study in?

As finals approach, many of you will be spending additional time in the library finishing presentations and studying for exams. Where do you like to study in the library?

We may have the resources to build some additional casual study space in the near future, and we need your input on what types of chairs, sofas, tables and other items to include.

Do you use the TV rockers? Do you prefer the leather easy chairs? Do you need a place to plug in your laptop? A place to put your coffee? Click on the "comments" link below and let us know what kind of casual study space you would use.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Kim Davies Hoffman receives Chancellor's Award

Kim Davies Hoffman, who began working as a reference and instruction librarian here at Milne Library in 1999, has been awarded the 2007 SUNY Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Librarianship. In addition to impressive work in all areas of librarianship including one-on-one reference service, Davies Hoffman has done her best work in the area of library instruction. She has developed superb instruction methods, continually experimenting to respond to changing classroom environments, changing information technology, and changing student populations. Davies Hoffman has made a name for herself in the library world and has raised the reputation of Geneseo and our library, but more importantly, she skillfully guides SUNY Geneseo students so that they critically examine information sources and become aware of their own growth as critical thinkers.

Dr. Ellen Kintz, a professor in the Anthropology department with whom Davies Hoffman has collaborated extensively, nominated her.

Sue Ann Brainard, reference and instruction librarian, also nominated Ms. Hoffman for the award, and other librarians, faculty, and students wrote in support of her nomination.

Nominees for the award need to meet several criteria:

  • Skill in librarianship
  • Service to SUNY Geneseo
  • Service to the profession
  • Scholarship and professional growth

Kim's contributions to the field include her work with professors to integrate library instruction into their courses, teaching and writing.

Congratulations to Kim for earning this prestigious award!

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Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Kim Davies is now Kim Hoffman

Reference and Instruction Librarian Kim Davies got married on March 31st to Brian Hoffman at Belhurst Castle in Geneva, N.Y. Brian and Kim recently returned from their honeymoon in Las Vegas. Ms. Davies can now be referred to as Kim Davies Hoffman. Look for changes to her web page and her new email address soon. Congratulations to Kim and Brian!


Monday, April 09, 2007

Chemistry students learn about SciFinder Scholar

Taking advantage of our access to a new interface for Chemical Abstracts, 157 chemistry students were introduced to SciFinder Scholar during the week of March 26.

Students in CHEM 214, Qualitative Organic Analysis, were able to use the interface to research information for an upcoming lab assignment, and learned how to search for journal articles related to specific chemicals.

Working with Chemistry Professor Eric Helms, Louise Zipp and Bonnie Swoger led the effort with assistance from Jennifer Potter, Theresa Mastrodonato, Justina Elmore and Barbara Clarke.

SciFinder Scholar uses a unique software interface to access information from Chemical Abstracts and several other databases. Researchers can access information based on chemical name, molecular formula, role in a chemical reaction or by natural language searching.

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Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Library staff members attend the ACRL conference

Keynote addresses from Michael Eric Dyson and John Waters highlighted the Association of College and Research Libraries national conference in Baltimore, MD this past week.

Director Ed Rivenburgh, librarians Tracy Paradis, Paul MacLean and Rich Dreifuss, and instructional support associate Bonnie Swoger recently returned from 3 days of presentations, posters, vendors and exhibits.

Another highlight was dinner with fellow librarians from public liberal arts colleges (COPLAC members). After a beautiful walk through historic Baltimore, we settled in with some micro-brews at the Brewer's Art Restaurant to discuss library instruction, staff responsibilities, administrative support and Baltimore history with our counterparts from institutions similar to Geneseo.

Highlights of the presentations included gaming in library instruction, the future of reference, applications of social networking and a wide variety of technology applications. Library staff returned to work on Monday filled with future plans and ready to share what they learned.

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