Milne Library News

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Facebook Phishing Attack-don't login to or!

Milne library has been alerted to a phishing attack that has broken out on Facebook.

Facebook users are receiving messages which appear to come from a friend who asks them to visit or Don't do this. From a page that looks like you'll be logging into Facebook, scammers can collect your login and password.

For more information see the article about this attack in TechCrunch.

If you feel your Facebook account has been compromised, get help from Facebook's Help Center.

Writing Center in Milne closes for summer Today, April 30 at 11 p.m.

After this evening's hours, the Satellite Writing Center in Milne will close for the summer. Hours of operation in Milne Library for Today, April 30th are 8-11 p.m.

The Writing Learning Center in Welles 217 closes at 5pm on Friday, May 1st. For more information about The Writing Learning Center visit the WLC website at

Monday, April 27, 2009

Swine Flu: Tracking the Story

Great! The government has declared a public health emergency just as we roll into the end of the semester and start gearing up for finals. Fortunately, there are plenty of places to track its progress and get good, reliable information on the disease itself.

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) is regularly updating its general information on the illness here:

They've also joined the microblogosphere via Twitter! Their profile, CDC Emergency Preparedness and Response, lists its mission for "increasing the nation's ability to prepare for and respond to public health emergencies." Sign up for their updates here:

If you've got an iGoogle page, you can add a tab on the flu: iGoogle Flu Watch

Sabrina Pacifici has pulled together a useful list of online resources: Online Resources to Track and Monitor National and Global Course of Human Swine Flu including a link to Google Maps: H1N1 Swine flu in 2009 where cases are visualized on the map: Pink = suspect; Purple = confirmed; Deaths lack a dot in marker; Yellow markers = negative

Here are the recommendations from the CDC to stay healthy.
1. Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Throw the tissue in the trash after you use it.
2. Wash your hands often with soap and water, especially after you cough or sneeze. Alcohol-based hands cleaners are also effective.
3. Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth. Germs spread that way.

Try to avoid close contact with sick people.
1. Influenza is thought to spread mainly person-to-person through coughing or sneezing of infected people.
2. If you get sick, CDC recommends that you stay home from work or school and limit contact with others to keep from infecting them.

Remember! Stay rested, make healthy food choices and keep yourself hydrated!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Best of GREAT Day in Milne Library on April 24, 2009 at 3:30 pm.

If you missed GREAT Day, you have a second chance to see some of the poster sessions and paper presentations given on Tuesday! A representational cross-section of posters and presentations from GREAT Day will be on display in Milne Library from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m.

Approximately 45 posters will be displayed in Milne Library's commons area and in Milne 104, and four paper presentations will be given in Milne 105.

Paper Presentation Session 1: 3:45-4:30PM in Milne 105

  • Patrick Morgan will present "Rethinking Beauty: Thoreau, Gender, and Geology." Faculty Mentor: Kenneth Cooper, English

  • Katherine Schwartz will present "Sir Thomas Roe at the Mughal Court: Seventeenth Century and English Cultural Assumptions." Faculty Mentor: Joseph Cope, History
Paper Presentation Session 2: 4:45-5:30PM in Milne 105
  • Tim Calnon will present "The Effects of Artemisinin on Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma." Faculty Mentor: Robert O’Donnell, Biology

  • Arunima Ray will present "Exploring the World of Wavelets." Faculty Mentor: Olympia Nicodemi, Mathematics

Full descriptions for the paper presentations

Monday, April 06, 2009

Are print encyclopedias better than Wikipedia?

There has been a lot of discussion on college campuses across the country regarding the scholarly merit of Wikipedia. Interestingly, Nature did a study comparing Wikipedia and Encyclopedia Britannica and found that the error ratio is pretty similar.

Whether in print or online, encyclopedias are a good place to begin research. The purpose of such a resource is to provide a brief synopsis of a topic. Encyclopedias can help you find search terms, background information, and the like to help locate more SCHOLARLY SOURCES.

This is why most college/university professors don’t accept references to any format of encyclopedia in student work (note: specialized encyclopedias written by experts in their field may be an exception to this rule); though many professors do encourage students to use them as a jumping-off point for beginning their research.

Another great place to start your research is Milne Library's new resource, CREDO Reference. You can find a link to CREDO Reference on Milne Library's main web page. Try it out for yourself!

Friday, April 03, 2009

Search GLOCAT or WorldCat from a toolbar in your browser!

You can download an extention for your browser that allows you to search Geneseo's library catalog, WorldCat, Wikipedia, Google Scholar, or Amazon right from a toolbar on your browser.

Find out how to get it here!

Thursday, April 02, 2009

What is Social Bookmarking?

Social bookmarking sites allow users to create accounts to save, organize, and share bookmarks of web pages online. Since these are web based sites, you can use any computer with internet access to log into your list of saved web sites and online documents. To find out more, check out this YouTube video about social bookmarking.

Two of the most popular social bookmarking sites are Diigo and Delicious. Check them out and start saving and sharing your favorite web sites with friends!