Milne Library News

Friday, March 20, 2009

Artist Lecture in Milne, Monday, March 23rd

Milne Library invites you to hear Marilyn Anderson present on her work which is now on display in the Milne Gallery.

"Hecho a Mano: Artists and Artisans of Guatemala"

Monday, March 23rd
3 p.m.
Milne 104

For 40 years, Marilyn Anderson has studied, photographed and and produced books about both the traditional arts of and issues of human rights in Guatemala. Although she has had many exhibits of her photographs, in the last several years, she has begun to show her wood, linocut prints and drawings. Join us as she discusses her work and shows slides of her photographs.

The prints, drawings and photographs in Marilyn Anderson's exhibit "Hecho a Mano" show Maya and other Guatemalan artisans weaving textiles, working with various fibers, fashioning objects using clay, leather, metal and other materials.

The artisanal traditions of Guatemala continue to have a vital place in the lives of people there. These hand made articles also connect their makers to other people in ways that promote understanding and empathy.

Although globalisation, free trade, and modernization are changing these crafts, among Maya people there remains the will to maintain them as an irreplaceable heritage of "living" arts. Fair trade markets also allow the Maya to continue their ancient traditions rather than labor in international factories as part of the globalization machine.

The exhibit will be on display in Milne through May 17, 2009.

Friday, March 06, 2009

Milne Library Hours for Spring Break

Milne Library will close at 4pm on Friday, March 13.

Regular library hours will resume on Monday, March 23.

Spring Break Hours

Friday, March 13 7:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Saturday - Sunday, March 14 to 15 CLOSED
Monday - Friday, March 16 to 20 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Saturday, March 21 CLOSED
Sunday, March 22 6:00 PM - 1:00 AM


Do YOU have a question for Governor Paterson?

Let your voice be heard when Governor Patterson visits the campus for a "Student Town Hall" meeting on Thursday, March 12, 2009.

Wadsworth Auditorium
Doors open at 10 am

The Governor will be answering questions on any topic, including but not limited to, higher education. Questions must be submitted in advance through this web site:

Student Association President, Danielle Forrest, will select about 30 questions from the site. If you submit a question, please come to Wadsworth Auditorium, by 10:30 am on March 12, as you may get the opportunity to ask your question during the meeting.

In order to track numbers of participants, the Governor's staff asks that you RSVP at the web site even if you don't submit a question. You don't have to RSVP to attend, but it would be helpful.

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Want a job? Have technical skills?

Milne Library is currently hiring for the Tech Help and Classroom Technology Assistant (CTA) Positions for Fall 2009. We are looking for motivated, hard-working, and very reliable students with technical experience and good social skills.

Tech Help students work at Milne Library's expansive circulation desk; they provide extensive technical assistance to library students, faculty, and patrons. Their duties include checking out laptops from circulation, assisting patrons with printing and networking, helping with our various program suites, answering general technical questions, and maintaining the public lab facilities.

CTAs work in Milne Library classrooms assisting faculty and students with technology related questions. They supply laptops, help instructors with presentations, and assist with library instruction sessions. They may also be called upon to assist with special projects.

Applications can be found on the Milne Jobs Website and turned into the Circulation Desk or with Steve Praino in the Tech Department.

Monday, March 02, 2009

Why wait for a dusty book? Get it online in full-text now!

Why wait for a book when finding the full-text online is faster than climbing the stairs to find it on the shelf?

Search for free online library books using Google Books – over 2 million books scanned from some of the finest Libraries of the world. Most books are published pre-1923 because of copyright (great for classics), but Google Books has thousands of new books too.

Basic Search (includes a mix of non-full-text and full-text books)

Advanced Search (Limit to full view only) to get that book now!
A few cool features include:
  • Reviews
  • Download as PDF
  • Search words and phrases in books

Other search options of interest for finding full-text books online:

Open Content Alliance
GLOCAT Advanced Search: limit search Document Type to "Electronic Book"

Post written by Cyril Oberlander