Milne Library News

Friday, August 22, 2008

New search tool for books, articles and more: MultiSearch

Milne Library announces the launch of its new federated searching tool. MultiSearch provides students with the ability to simultaneously search the library’s catalog, WorldCat, and any combination of article databases.

In the past, the hundreds of library resources, each containing a huge number of journal and newspaper articles, e-books, encyclopedias, music, artwork, reports, and much more had be examined individually. Searching across multiple sources at once will assist students in the information discovery process, providing a great place to start research topics that are interdisciplinary in nature and reducing the amount of time students spend searching.

MultiSearch can be found in the QuickSearch box on the main page of the library’s website. Performing a search from this QuickSearch box can retrieve results from both the library catalog, as well as a number of interdisciplinary article databases. Additionally, the Advanced Search page provides the ability to individually select databases or choose a broad category of databases to be searched. Advanced Search also gives you options to limit a search by field, dates, full text only, and peer reviewed.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Summer 2008 Renovations: More Power

This summer, most of our changes were to the large study area on the main floor of the library. Our primary goal was to make power available to as many of the study tables as possible. This will allow students to charge their laptop computers and keep them charged throughout the day of classes.

We've added a new walled study area with outlets along the perimeter, and desktop PC's available on one wall. Collaboration Station tables are available for students to work together by connecting laptop computer to a large screen visible to all group members

In order to keep much of the space as flexible as possible, outlets have been dropped from the ceiling.

And additional outlets have been added between two rows of tables in our main study area.

We hope that this will allow our students to get the most out of their laptop computers while they are on campus.

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