Milne Library News

Monday, August 27, 2007

Where in the world is Room 109?

Part of our renovations this summer include the addition of a new classroom, Room 109, on the lower level of the library. Equipped with laptop computers, a printer and the usual technology for instructors, the room will hold library instruction classes and other session of up to 30 people.

Room 109 is on the lower level, across from the elevator. See our updated library maps.

Other new additions over the summer include the office of Dual-Degree Programs and English for Speakers of Other Languages, and the new Center for Student Achievement.

Stay tuned for more information about the services these offices provide.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The travels and adventures of our CD collection

Things never stay in the same place for long here at Milne, and our CD collection is no exception.

Over the summer we rearranged a lot of offices, classrooms, and technology here in the library. As a result, the CD collection has been moved to the third floor (the upper floor) at the top of the main stair case.

In addition to the new location, we are interested in expanding the collection. What types of music do you like to borrow from the library? Leave some suggestions in the comments below to help us expand the collection.

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Tuesday, August 07, 2007

The 2007 IDS Conference

Over 80 participants are in Milne Library today for the first day of the annual IDS Conference. The IDS Conference is a gathering of ILL librarians, staff and administrators of over 20 different libraries in New York State, who meet yearly to discuss the IDS Project, an information delivery services project designed to create more effective ways to share library resources. Each of the libraries in the project agrees to a set of performance standards, such as borrowing or loaning journal articles with certain turnaround times, in order work together cooperatively towards a common goal. For more details about the conference or The IDS Project, please contact the Project Director, Ed Rivenburgh, at

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