Friday, March 19, 2010

Library Instruction Leadership Academy (LILAC)

The Library Instruction Leadership Academy (LILAC),collaboratively developed by Rochester-area librarians with Milne Library at the forefront, recently held its third workshop, exploring topics such as multiple intelligence and learning styles and “teacher as performer.” Judging from participants' reactions it was a huge success! Remaining workshops include "teaching with technology," classroom management and assessment.

LILAC is a semester-long intensive learning experience geared towards librarians new to instruction that includes a variety of workshops, field observations, assigned readings, reflection, discussions, and a final instruction project. Each workshop focuses on an aspect of library instruction and involves a mixture of pedagogical theory, best practices and hands on experience.

Participants will reflect upon what they have learned throughout the semester and then “teach it forward” by completing a final project. These projects range from starting an information literacy program for homed schooled children to presenting workshops at an upcoming library conference. The Academy runs until May 2010 and culminates with a graduation party where participants will showcase their final projects.

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