Friday, February 06, 2009

“How Do I….” section added to the library’s homepage

A new “How Do I….” section has been added to the library’s homepage to help students find what they need. The “How Do I….” entries will easily link users to appropriate library web pages and provide them with topical explanations, examples, and additional web resources.

Some “How Do I ….” examples include Find a movie, Find primary sources, Begin my research, and Distinguish scholarly vs. popular sources. Pending positive user feedback, reference librarians plan to add more of these guides to assist library users with their research.

If you would like to suggest a "How Do I..." guide topic, leave us a message on the Library's Make a Suggestion page or stop by the reference desk and let us know!

Post written by Rich Dreifuss


Anonymous Anonymous said...

For the "How do I" section, you might add a section or two on using the library account pages. I feel like a lot of people don't know they can renew things online, or how to use ILL.

2/10/2009 9:29 PM  

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