Friday, May 09, 2008

Wouldn't it be nice if . . . .

While final exams and the spring semester wind down, please take some time - now and/or over the summer - to think about how Milne Library can improve upon its website. Are you finding what you need from our website? Are you pleased by the appearance of our website? Are there ways that we could "jazz it up"?

As we are all faced with many different websites each day, think about what you like best, especially from those sites providing access to library/information materials. Ask yourself this question:

Wouldn't it be nice if . . . (the library website offered such and such).

We value your opinion and will consider your very helpful comments (please comment below) as we strive to improve upon Milne Library's services.


Blogger Unknown said...

...the library had one major log-in. That way instead of having to log into circ, and then into IDS, I could sign on the Library page, enter my user info, and have a nifty little bar pop up next to me that listed everything I had checked out on both accounts/options for both accounts/etc.

Yep. That sure would be nice.

5/12/2008 11:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It'd be nice if there was an easier way to bookmark databases that I need to use frequently, so that I could hit a favorites button and be ready, or a login/click away from searching for what I need

6/02/2008 11:36 PM  

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